Monday, June 30, 2008


Today I was working, and just bored out of my mind, because I guess I'm just one of those people who, if its possible, has to be doing more than one thing at once.

So I figured, "Well while I'm here, I might as well pray."

As I was praying asking God for the day to be good and every thing, a question hit me, I had no idea where it came from, but the question was:

What does Prayer mean to you?

I thought about it for the whole day, searching for an honest answer.

But what I found wasn't what I was looking for, I found what prayer is, I found why we pray, and I know what to pray.

But I never found what it means

Anybody have any answers?


Jordan Garrett said...

ha, i love how im always the first one to I think prayer is whatever you make it to be. Prayer is technicaly you and God talking. whatever you get out of that time is up to you i supose. idk...i think im rambling. good point!

Taylor Hale said...

Well, I guess if you lokked it up in the dictionary it would tell you, but it probably wouldn't be the answer you were looking for. :) I think for me, it just means giving everything to God and telling Him all of it. Even though He knows what it was like, tell him about your day. Tell Him the things you did, the things you wanted to do. Stuff like that. Does that help?? :)

Taylor Hale said...

I looked it up. Like I said, it probably won't help. LOL

1. a devout petition to God or an object of worship.

2. a spiritual communion with God or an object of worship, as in supplication, thanksgiving,
adoration, or confession.

3. the act or practice of praying to God or an object of worship.

Alec Warn said...

super recently, i have learned that prayer can be different things at different times. it depends on WHO your talking to, and WHAT your praying about. which sounds funny, because i always thought you were talking to God in prayer. but when you need advice, you gotta go to the Holy Spirit, since He's already been through exactly what we're going through. and when you are thankful in your prayers, your probably talking to God, since He created EVERYTHING and made things happen in certain ways. unless of course your thanking someone for dieing for you, which obviously would be Jesus ;]. but, God still created everything! so... it depends. but i LOVE that!
very good post!