Monday, June 30, 2008


Today I was working, and just bored out of my mind, because I guess I'm just one of those people who, if its possible, has to be doing more than one thing at once.

So I figured, "Well while I'm here, I might as well pray."

As I was praying asking God for the day to be good and every thing, a question hit me, I had no idea where it came from, but the question was:

What does Prayer mean to you?

I thought about it for the whole day, searching for an honest answer.

But what I found wasn't what I was looking for, I found what prayer is, I found why we pray, and I know what to pray.

But I never found what it means

Anybody have any answers?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Its All Because of Jesus I'm Alive

It's all because of Jesus I'm alive It's all because the blood of Jesus Christ that covers me and raised this dead man's life it's all because of Jesus I'm alive.

I just have to say that I absolutely LOVE that song!

Read it over again and really let it sink in.

Its basically saying that the only reason we're alive today is that Jesus died for us, think about that for a second, I know that's probably something you just hear and you say, "Oh yeah Jesus died for my sins." and just give the "churchy" saying, but really think about how much of a sacrifice that is, think of how much love that would take to lay down your perfect life for a bunch of evil sinners.

Which makes me think of another topic.

I'm probably the only one, but I think about this ALL the time.

What if God didn't make us? Think about how weird it would be if nothing had happened and the Earth was just empty, no one would be here, humans wouldn't exist at all, and everything would just be empty and black. How weird is that? But how cool is it that God made humans when he didn't even have to? He could have just completely forgot about us and nobody would ever have been here.

I don't know that's just crazy.

And something to think about.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ephesians 6:11

Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

This is definately my favorite verse in the Bible not only because it actually makes sense to me, but it shows me that God has a special armor for us that can sheild us from the strongest attacks, both physical and spiritual.

What we don't know is that there is a spiritual war going on for each and every one of us.

I know you've heard this a million times but the Devil is here to kill, steal, and destroy and thats soooo true.

But guess what? There is an even stronger guy out there and his name is Jesus! And he wants to take you in, protect you, and love you.

Even though most of you know that, I just know that it helps me to have a reminder of it every once and a while.

But now I want to know about you, what is your favorite verse in the Bible?

Pearl Master's Custom Maple-Sunrise Fade

So in my "About Me" section I said that you'll just have to learn more as I write.
I know most of you know that I play drums, but most of you have never really seen them. So i took some pics so you could see them.

Friday, June 27, 2008

This is Your Life

This is your life, are you who you want to be. This
is your life, are you who you want to be. This is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be, When the world was younger and you had everything to lose.
Today I was listening to my I-pod and that song started to play, and as i let the lyrics sink in i started to ask myself:
This is my life, am I who i want to be?
A challenging question no doubt, but think about it.
This is your life, are you who you want to be?


Yes, its true, Jacob started a blog... haha.

So yeah its pretty much going to be what the title says: Randomness.