Wednesday, July 2, 2008

600 vs. 1

Ok well this is an example that my sister Anna used in her message on Wednesday night. So I'm going to steal it.

So is this guy in the Bible got one whole verse to tell one of the biggest truths of the Bible.

After Ehud came Shamgar son of Anath, who struck down six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad. He too saved Israel. Judges 3:30-31

Ok so now you saying, "Huh?" Let me explain

This guy Shamgar killed six hundred Philistine soldiers with and oxgoad.

Well now your saying, "Well what in the world is an oxgoad?" Let me explain that as well.

An oxgoad is a wooden stick about 8 feet long with a metal end used to herd oxen.

Well how in the world did he do that?

I've got one name, two words, and a exclamation point for you: He had God!

What is the moral of the story?

Nothing is impossible with God.

And yeah, I know you all hear that a lot, but really think about that. Absolutely nothing!

That's crazy to think about. That's the power in all creation.

And if you have God, then you have that power!

And if that's given to us, why not use it?

So my question is to you, are you using it?

And if not, why aren't you?


Taylor Hale said...

I think I just figured out why I read blogs right before I go to bed. :)

Jordan Garrett said...

well honestly i don't have the problem of having to kill off 600 people jk. OH MY GOSH IM NOT THE FIRST TO COMMENT!!!! AHH! GROUND BREAKING! ok but seriously actually I have a story about how God helped me to overcome amazing odds. ill tell ya sometime!

Mandy said...

Did she get that story from SLU? Because that's one of their favorites!! :) I using it? Well, I don't think I have much of a choice right now.

Jacob said...

Jordan-I would LOVE to hear about it!

Mandy-What do you mean exactly about not having a choice right now? I would love to know if you want to share!

Alec Warn said...

haha, way to share the word!
good that your getting out there what you have learned ;]

Mandy said...

I don't really have anyone else to lean on. I have to face my Shamgar odds with God in front of me.

erin said...

Love the blog! Glad you're not afraid to speak the truth.